Back to School
Back to School Journal & Activity Pages
FREE printable Back to School journal & activity pages!
(PDF format)
Printable Back to School Crossword Puzzle
Create your own Crossword or use our premade word/clue
Here is an "All About the Teacher" bilingual
poster idea
This "Guess What I did on my Summer
Vacation" drawing idea is a great first-day
Here is an idea for creating a funny
"Classroom Do's and Don'ts" book
These acrostic classroom M-U-S-I-C-I-A-N
rules, clap-pat-snap to a rap beat
"Scribble Music" is a great early year,
break time or substitute plan
Back to School Word Search
Create your own or use our word list.
Printable Back to School Match-up Worksheets
Create your printable worksheet from your own matchups
or use our premade lists.
Here is a "Mighty Mike, Brilliant Brianna,
Talented Tamika" name learning game with
adjectives idea
Here students share their special "gifts"
after reading Shel Silverstein's "The Giving
Here are "Ten Rules for Back-to-School
This "All About Me" scrapbook idea yields a
bulletin board, a classroom book and a
teacher's keepsake
Buddy Bags and Venn diagrams are used here
as get-acquainted tools to compare and
contrast students with each other
Printable Back to School Word Scramble
Create your own or use our word list.
Back to School Printable Worksheets
Check out our large selection of "make your own" and
"premade" worksheets!
This multidisciplinary Rainbow Fish activity
idea is perfect for the first day of school
Here are 10 educational ownership discussion
topics to insure a student's new school year
This is a fun true/false introduction
activity for the first day of school
Here jujubes are the get-acquainted
This idea connects you with your students
before school even starts
Supply Labels
Advise parents to put labels with the child's name and
address on all personal belongings they bring from home.
There are places online to buy personalized sticker
Submitted by: Jason
Assembly Themes Grades K-8
Here are several "Welcome Back" themes that can be used
in a school assembly.
Be Careful With Your Words Grades Any
Help students understand the importance of thinking
before they speak.
This Personality Sack idea presents the
student to his classmates
This Welcome Sack idea warmly presents
back-to-school expectations to your students
"Name Game with a Beat" is a musical version
of a previous name learning activity
This is a self-introductory PowerPoint
presentation idea
WordArt and ClipArt are used in this
get-acquainted filler activity idea
First Week Homework Grades Any
A great way to get parents involved in the new year.
Grades Various
Visit this site to take advantage of their Back-to-School Thematic Unit.
This All-About-Me homework project is due on
the first day of school
This teacher welcomes students with a
Jeopardy game with categories like staff,
subjects, supplies, etc.
Here students introduce themselves via a
9-square construction paper ME Quilt
This All-About-Me Scrapbook contains
pictures, symbols, journal entry, interests,
and expectations
This is an "All About Me" memories and goals
book idea
Another great back-to-school resource!
Student Name & Photo Cards
Learn student names easily and have a resource for the entire year.
Here ESL students learn to form questions
while learning information about their
This Personality Crown idea helps children
get to know you and each other
This mystery box activity gets kids excited
about learning new things
This "All About ME" box idea comes with a
secret note inside
A "Special Me" class book is created here
with Kid Pix self-portraits and written
personal summaries
Education World
Fourteen Great Activities for the First Days of School! Grades Any
Social Studies Text Review Grades Any
An activity to help get your students familiar with their text books, as
well as to complete a KWL.
Here is some "All About Me" homework
Here is another version of the "Summer in a
Can" vacation show-and-tell activity
In this get-acquainted game, students look
up creative adjectives to describe
Here students create a booklet about their
vacation or summer event
This beginning-of-the-year "ME Box" idea
helps students focus their writing
First Day Activities
Grades All
Find helpful activities for various grade levels.
Grade Any
Get your students off on the right foot.
This is another name learning activity
These context clues paragraphs show students
the cause and effect of good or poor grades
People-Search Bingo is a well-developed
getting-acquainted idea
This is a refinement of the M&M
getting-acquainted activity
Click here to discover what's inside this
W-E-L-C-O-M-E bag idea
Getting to Know You
Grades 1-6
This activity will help children quickly get to know one another and set
up an atmosphere for learning.
Reading & Math Text Grades Any
This are hand-on activities to allow students to review upcoming
concepts and do quick assessments.
This is a fun getting acquainted activity
using straws
This classmate interview template is an
interactive language arts activity and an
In this interview idea, students learn about
classmates while working on writing and oral
presentation skills
This "Get to know ME" test introduces you to
your class in a clever way
This kindness exercise promotes acceptance
and cooperation throughout the year
Ice Breaker: Blanket Name Game
Grades All
This activity will help students learn the names of their classmates.
Personalized Plates Grades Any
This is a great activity for the beginning of school that can be
displayed for an open house.

Apple Half Name Tags Grade K-2
A creative way for students to start the first day of school.
"Pass the Toilet Paper" Ice-breaker Grades Any
This can be an amusing first day activity. It also helps your students
learn more about each other.
You really must start collecting pictures
now for this totally awesome end-of-year
PowerPoint Party for Parents idea
This is the same idea with a twist --
students make their own presentations
This first day of school "quiz" is a fun
"getting to know you" and your expectations
Students make a classroom graph showing how
many letters are in each student's name in
this first-day math lesson
This lesson answers the question "What are
we going to be studying this year?" with
props and a guessing game
Days of the Week Grade K-1
A colorful and creative way to help your young students learn the days
of the week.
Parental Expectations Grades Any
This is a great way for parents to share their concerns and expectations
with you.
Here is a little musical introduction song
game idea
In this lesson, students create a weaving
using materials that describe them as a
Creating a family or personal crest is a
good way to discuss family values or to
learn about classmates
Students write their names with their feet
in this name-learning activity
This idea starts out as a
beginning-of-the-year bulletin board and
ends as a memory book compilation of student
writing assignments
The Gingerbread Theme
Read stories and eat the gingerbread man!
Me In A Bag Grade Any
A fun way for students to not only learn about you, but to also learn
about each other.
In this beginning-of-school activity,
students match photos of the classroom with
a classroom map
This German "Schultuete" idea gives a
cultural upgrade to the first day of school
"Me Bag"
Here is an excellent classroom mapping
lesson that is tailored for students with
different abilities
Stellaluna teaches school citizenship in
this lesson
This PE lesson introduces the freeze-melt-go
protocols and the students as well
Growth Grades K-2
Start creating this parent keepsake on the first day of school.
"Get to Know Your Class" Scavenger Hunt Grades Any
Help your parents and students become familiar with the classroom.
A classroom map hunt is an ideal idea to
acquaint students with the classroom and its
Making a Birthday Bar Graph is an engaging
beginning of the year math idea
"Rules Rap" is a new way to present
first-day music class instructions
In this fun get-acquainted lesson, students
draw a classmate's portrait with chalk
This song idea helps students learn their
classmate's names
"Seasons" ... Ideas for a thematic unit Grades K-2
Look at several ideas for Seasons.
Submitted by: Krista , Pam, and Barbara
Respect Grades 1-4
Set a positive tone in your classroom early.
Using a video to introduce the rules and the
teacher wards off first day laryngitis
In this idea, Social Studies is introduced
on the first day by taking a census
This lesson idea organizes first day of
school activities around the rules "be kind,
be safe, and be your best
Here is an instrument activity with an apple
"Three Truths and a Fib" is a funny
get-acquainted activity
Variety of "First Day Activities" Grades Early Elementary
Here is a collection of various activities.
Back to School Theme
Grades PreK-K
Great ideas for younger students.
This first day of school language arts idea
uses Miss Nelson is Missing to teach
classroom rules.
This clever first day of school idea makes
it easy to send student birthday cards
"Getting to Know You with Toilet Paper" is a
really cute idea
This scavenger hunt can help you form
cooperative groups based on learning styles
and interests
In this get-to-know-you idea, students
create a self-portrait collage with their
favorite things
Thematic Unit on Seasons
Grades K-3
Visit this web site for a complete thematic unit.
Watermelon Theme
Grades K-3
Visit these sites if you are interested in starting your year off with a
watermelon theme.
- National Watermelon
Watermelon Bookmarks
Addie's Wonderful Watermelon Unit Grade K-1
The Enormous Watermelon Grade K-1
A fun site with Art, Math, Group Work and Class Books.
This yummy back-to-school Ice Breaker
involves M&Ms
..A beginning of school musical name plate
activity can help students learn each
others' names
..After this activity, students will be able
to recite the names of their classmates in
..Here are some ideas for teaching a good
multidisciplinary apple unit
..This "Meet the Teacher Day" scavenger hunt
and self-portrait activity results in a
class quilt.
Hollywood Grades 4-7
A fun and unique icebreaker activity.
Submitted by: Jackie Jaros - Deer Lakes Middle School, Grade 6 -
Russellton, PA
Ramona Book Unit
Find various units to start off your reading program.
See the lesson on respect above.
Star Spangled Banner Grade 4-6
A fun first day activity to celebrate the birthday of Francis Scott Key.
Back-to-School Kit
Make this fun and easy survival kit for any educator in your life.
Class Autobiographies
Are you having a student teacher this year? If so, this is a great
"welcome" idea.
Forms & Checklists
Find printable first-day and student info. checklists.
FREE Software!
LatticeWork Software is giving away its latest version of Roxie's ABC
Fish for free! Visit to download.
Welcoming New Teachers
A great way to welcome new educators to your building.

..This idea is called Talk Time and is a good
1st Day of School activity to get students
..An excellent Art lesson for the first day of
school called My Favorite Things
..This lesson idea is on School Life and is
called "Gremlins go to School"
..A good Back To School lesson involving the
Evaluation of Poems
..This is a great idea for a beginning and end
of school lesson - using a Time Capsule to
demonstrate students' learning
..A good first day of school idea for
gathering Students' Birthdays and teaching
Bar Graphs too
"Me Bags" is the name of this first day of
school idea for Getting to Know Each Other
..Here's an idea for a first day of school
"Class Puzzle" that shows each student's
..This is a good idea for a beginning of the
school year review in any subject
..In this idea students Write Letters to
themselves at the beginning of the year and
read them at the end
..Here's a Back To School activity to learn
each others' Names to Music
..This First Day of School lesson focuses on
Boosting Self-Esteem
..This "Getting To Know You" activity idea is
good for the First Day of School
..Students Interview each other in this First
Day of School idea
..Here's another version of the "Me Bags" idea
for the First Day of School
..This is a brief "Welcome To School" activity
..This "Cubicle Reading and Writing" lesson is
appropriate for Back To School time
..Here are some songs appropriate for Back To
School time
..This idea is to help students learn their
way around the School on their First Day
..This Back To School Ice Breaker idea looks
at Classroom Diversity
..A good Back to School idea - Me Bags (An
Alternate Version)
..A great end / beginning of the year lesson
involving Writing Letters to next year's
students at the end of the year
..This is another beginning / end of the year
activity called "Memory Book"
..This end of the year idea involves creating
a "Words of Wisdom" poster for next year's
..A fun first-day journal activity
..Start the first week of school off right
with this fun idea
..A great activity for first-of-year
..Here is an idea for an open-house display
..A great idea for back to school
..These "Me" collages are great for getting to
know classmates
..A fun group activity for learning about your
..This is a fun idea for introducing school
staff to students
..Here is a good beginning-of-the-year lesson
for introducing essay structure
..This heart-warming first day of school idea
builds classroom community
..Use this back-to-school art activity to
review writing paragraphs
..Students become familiar with the special
characteristics of their classmates with
this beginning-of-school idea
..This great beginning-of-school idea lets
students introduce themselves with a "Box of