Pivotal Kids

The Maze Runner
James Dashner
ISBN-13: 978-0385737944
October 6 2009
Publisher: Delacourt
Ages: Young Adult
$16.99 Our Price:
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can
remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s
not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself
surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large,
open expanse surrounded by stone walls.
Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got
to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone
doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every
night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has
been delivered in the lift.
Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the
first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising
yet is the message she delivers.
Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If
only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his
About the Author
James Dashner is also the author of the 13th Reality series.
James was born and raised in Georgia, but now lives in the
Rocky Mountains with his family. After several years working
in finance, he is now a full-time writer.


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