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Issue Number 102 Hello, Welcome to the Pivotal Kids ezine.
Lots of bits and piece for you this time. It's what I do - curate resources, ideas and tips that I think will be useful for you. If there a different area you would like me to collect for you, please let me know.
... Enjoy
For Teachers...
End of Year Burnout: How to Finish the Marathon in Stride The end of the school year can feel like the final few miles of a marathon. Not only does your body not want to go on, your mind wants to be elsewhere. It’s not helped by the fact that the dreaded tests are over. Feeling burned out is quite common. In one of my previous blog posts, I drew upon the work of expert Cary Cherniss, whose book, Beyond Burnout, gives great guidance about factors most likely to lead to teacher burnout and some ways to detect and prevent it. But the end of the year is different. Detection is not the issue. Neither is prevention. You are at mile 23 and your lungs are bursting, your legs are cramping, your mind is in a jumble, and you just want say, “Beam me up, Scotty.” Yet, just as the marathoners make it to the finish line, so can you. Here are five ideas that work. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_burnout.htm
Brain Movies: When Readers Can Picture It, They Understand It The images that form in your mind as you read — we call them “brain movies” — can be more exciting and memorable than a Hollywood film. More to the point for teachers, guiding your students to visualize as they read is an engaging and enjoyable way to boost comprehension and retention. Learning to create brain movies can help students make sense of complex nonfiction subject matter and “see” the characters, setting, and action in stories. Teachers who use our strategy tell us their students seem to have more fun — and success — as they read. These anecdotes are supported by research showing that students who are taught to develop mental imagery of text do better than control groups on tests of comprehension and recall. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_comprehension.htm
For Kids Learning ...
Planners Web is a great way to get acquainted with the field of urban planning as it provides commentary on the rise of the "creative class" and conversations about designing walkable cities. First-time visitors can check out the What's New area to read through compelling articles that include "Ten Things You Should Know About Project Opponents" and "Transportation That Works for All Walks of Life.” Moving on, visitors can look over great sections that cover American planning history ("A is for Automobile to Z is for Zoning”) and The Secrets of Successful Communities. On the top of the homepage, visitors will find sections such as Basic Tools, Planning Topics, and Today's Planning News. Also, visitors may wish to sign up for free email updates. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_plannersweb.htm
If you would like a taste of classical mechanics in an animated form, this website is right up your alley. This site from the physics department at the University of Toronto offers up over 100 helpful animations that cover quantum mechanics, vectors, waves, relativity, and optics. Visitors can scroll through the topical headings to look for items of interest and should note the entire website is searchable as well. There are some great topical animations here, such as one on fluid mechanics that involves a theoretical dropping of a ball from the CN Tower in Toronto. Animations have also been translated into Catalan, Spanish, and Basque. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_physicsanimations.htm
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For Parents and Teachers ... How can we raise kids’ awareness of the benefits of fresh food so they can make better choices?Kids' Books Summer Reading lists While these lists are prepared for the northern hemisphere summer and more specifically, United States, they give some great age-related suggestions for reading that will engage your children.
The lists are full of book titles to keep children engaged in reading throughout the summer. Three Summer Reading book lists are available for K-2nd, 3rd- 5th and 6th-8th grade students. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_alasummer.htm
Classics are Cool, But... | Summer Reading for Grades 9-12
more >>>
http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_classicscool.htm New Young Adult book - first of a trilogy
Elizabeth May's debut novel, The Falconer, the first book in a planned trilogy. A mash-up of a Victorian setting, faerie fantasy, and steampunk, I fell right into the world May created. Her protagonist, Aileana, is a young woman straining against the rituals and requirements befitting a Victorian lady of her standing while she would much prefer crafting new inventions, many designed for her primary activity: hunting faeries and other nasty creatures surfacing from beneath the city. There is suspense, romance (a bit of a love triangle), and Scottish lore in abundance
March 20th, 2014 was the 45th anniversary of Eric Carle's much loved and globally celebrated book - The Very Hungry Caterpillar. There is no doubt this gorgeous book has become a timeless and well known classic. To help you celebrate, I collected some videos and other resources relating to Eric Carle and The Very Hungry Caterpillar and put them all in one place for you to share with your students. http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_veryhungry.htm
Tigerfish – David Metzenthen Book Trailer
Better in here, they think. Safe and sound. No shocks and no surprises. Twenty-one degrees Celsius all year round. But outside Sky Point Mall, no one is safe. Ryan Lanyon lives in a tough suburb. His brother's a bouncer. His best mate owns weapons. Ariel works in a surf shop and has never seen the sea. And the year that lies ahead is a minefield for them all. A novel of confrontation, loyalty and love from David Metzenthen, the award-winning and best-selling author of Jarvis 24, Boys of Blood and Bone and Black Water. Watch the trailer here ... http://www.pivotalkids.com/e_tigerfish.htm
Just for Fun
Just a Thought “What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.”Nicholas Sparks. The Wedding
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