In parenting as in life, it's all about making good decisions. The
trick is knowing which choices are the right ones.
It's no secret that children are getting fatter: 17% of this
country's youth are overweight or obese, and the number
of diabetic children has nearly quadrupled in the past
thirty years. Now, to help combat the problem, David
Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men's Health, and
co-author Matt Goulding have created Eat This, Not
That! for Kids. This small colorful book tells you
very simply which food choices are the right ones. It
not only tells you, but also shows you with hundreds of
color photos. Although it is supposedly for kids, the
information is useful -- and fascinating -- for anyone.
It is a must-have guide for concerned parents with
detailed analysis and nutritional tips on thousands of
the most popular food choices for kids. Covering the
best and worst options available at the most popular
restaurants in the country as well as the healthiest—and
most harmful—foods in the supermarket aisles, if kids
are eating it, this book is probably analyzing it.
The book consists of seven chapters. Here's a brief rundown of what
you can expect from each:
-Chapter 1 covers "8 rules of kid's nutrition" which
includes such advice as "never skip breakfast" and
"snack with a purpose"
-Chapter 2 discusses choosing the right foods at fast
food restaurants such as Arby's or Applebees
-Chapter 3 talks about "menu decoding". Since the book
can't cover every restaurant you'll ever eat at, it
teaches the reader how to read a typical menu- what to
look for, what choices to make. It does this by going
over general menus of Chinese restaurants, Mexican
restaurants, etc.
-Chapter 4 goes over making proper buying choices at
restaurants. Here the reader is taught how to read
-Chapter 5 covers eating at schools, which means, of
course, the school cafeteria. Vending machines choices
are also included because most schools (unfortunately)
have them.
-Chapter 6 discusses eating at home. A nice touch here
is the sample menus and recipes.
And last but not least, Chapter 7 talks about exercise.
Included are sample activities to keep your kids fit.
Other features include:
-Restaurant Report Cards on the best chain restaurants
for your kids
-Drink This, Not That! for Kids
-The 20 Worst Kids’ Meals in America
-10 "Healthy" Foods that Aren't
-The 8 Foods You Should Feed Your Kid Every Day
“It is great that the book has easy to make substitutions and ideas
to get the most nutrition you can out of a fast food
meal. This is a great book for any family to keep in the
car for those meals on the go. Everyone can make the
most informed choice possible! “
“I had to wrestle Eat This Not That! out of my 14-year-old
daughter's hands to write this review. She was
captivated, poring over it exclaiming on the different
foods we now eat that we should swap for others.”
“All-in-all, I found this to be a great little book and actually
quite fun to read with its many pictures.”