Chinese New
Arts and Crafts for the Chinese New Year - Printable
activities for celebrating the Chinese New Year.
Students can make a paper lantern, tangram puzzle,
fireworks, panda puppets, and more
Chinese New Year - Crafts, book suggestions, and
information about the Chinese New Year. Students can
make a parade dragon or a circley snake
Chinese New Year Firecrackers - Students use
cardboard tubes to simulate Chinese firecrackers, then
learn about other inventions from China on a printable
Happy Chinese New Year - A printable craft and a
recipe for celebrating the Chinese New Year. Students
construct a dragon
Parade Dragon Puppet - Students create a dragon
puppet fro celebrating the Chinese New Year. A printable
dragon face pattern is included
Tet - Printable activity sheets with teaching
suggestions about the Vietnamese New Year, Tet
Where is the Persian New Year? - Read information,
then solve a printable puzzle about the Persian New Year
celebrated in Iran
Chinese New Year for Kids & Teachers
- Fun for everyone at this first-rate
resource including links to top holiday
history and food sites, plus lesson plans
for teachers...and festival-related crafts,
coloring pages and clip art for the kids.
Chinese New Year - Great intro,
with brief descriptions of traditional
celebrations slated for all 15 days of the
New Year or Spring Festival, plus more on
traditional Chinese New Year foods,
decorations, taboos and superstitions.
Chinese New Year - Wikipedia - A
wonderful overview of the history, symbols,
customs & foods surrounding the 15-day
festivities including information on
traditional gifts, flowers, fireworks, good
luck / bad luck superstitions, how Chinese
New Year is celebrated around the world,
plus lots of related links and resources.
Lunar New Year in Taiwan - An
engaging read, and beautifully illustrated
with tales of the origins of the festival,
holiday dishes, gift exchanges, the dragon
and lion parade, rituals and superstitions.
Chinese New Year: Chinese Calendar
- One stop browsing to learn more about the
zodiac, the 12 animals that govern specific
years, an online tutorial of
Chinese calligraphy, a New Year banners
how-to, New Year
graphics, and lots more.
Teacher Planet - Chinese New Year
- Great collection of fun activities and
instructional how to's including dragon
crafts, paper lanterns & garlands, scavenger
hunt sheets, related lesson plans, plus
links to clip art & history resources.
Chinese New Year Greetings, E-Cards
- A colorful collection of animated and
Flash greetings, Spring Festival, and Happy
New Year cards.
Chinese New Year Clip Art - Check
out kid-friendly images of zodiac signs,
dragon parades and more.
A Brief Introduction to Chinese New Year
Prints - Traditional, colorful
graphics are used to decorate homes for the
Lunar New Year. The Hong Kong University of
Science & Technology Library provides an
introduction and
pictures from their exhibition. You can
also find pictures of Yangliuqing New Year
prints at
China The Beautiful.
Animals of the Chinese Zodiac
Grades K-2
In this lesson plan, students will learn about the 12 animals of the
Chinese zodiac.
Celebrate Chinese New Year & More
Grades Various
The New Year is a great time to motivate students to set new goals,
expand their interests and develop an appreciation for others. As such,
the Chinese New Year provides an excellent opportunity to create lessons
that tie together standards in geography, art, reading, writing and
social studies.
Celebrate the Chinese New Year
Grades K-3
People Holding HandsŪ encourage children to celebrate the Chinese New
Year with relevant props and reading materials that teach children about
the celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Encourages appreciation of Chinese culture through celebration.
Celebrations, Holidays and Customs
A wide range of Chinese New Years resources.
Printable worksheets, maps, crafts, and more.
Chinese Astrology
Find your sign!!
Chinese Calendar
Find helpful information about this special holiday.
Chinese Inventions and the Chinese New Year
Grade 2
Second graders discover several of many Chinese inventions. They learn
about contributions the Chinese have made in fields of technology,
science, textiles, games and toys, and the arts. Then students prepare
for and celebrate the Chinese New Year, China's biggest celebration.
This is a three week unit.
Chinese New Year
Grades 2-3
A lesson plan with great background information. You will need 3-5 class
periods and it would be best if you could celebrate this during the
actual Chinese New Year celebration time.
Chinese New Year
A great collection of resources from Includes arts, crafts,
photos, and more.
Chinese New Year
Printable worksheets and crafts.
Chinese New Year
Traditions, decorations, food, and more.
Chinese New Year @ Kids Domain
Find great resources, crafts, predictions, and much more!
Chinese New Year Craft and History
Grades PreK-6
The FREE Asian/Chinese New Year activity craft and holiday history
lesson teach children
about our celebrations and traditions. Download these two printable
pages with illustrations and
instructions for the Chinese Lantern craft activity plus background
information for a holiday lesson plan.
Chinese New Year Graphics
Spring Festival
Chinese New Year Music Idea
Grades 2-4
Students are to learn the song Go A Tin , which means "lantern
bright." Lanterns bring good luck for the New Year in the Chinese
Chinese/Lunar New Year
Here's the on-line access to the Chinese/Lunar New Year's Day so that
you can now plan for many celebrations or a study unit around the New
Year theme or Zodiac theme.
Chinese New Year Parade
Find games, crafts, and fortune cookies.
The Chinese New Year Starts Today
Grades Various
Lesson Plans, Web Links, and Text to use on January 29th.
Brought to you by Scholastic. (A resource from 2005.)
Daily Life in Ancient China
A collection of resources and lessons to use in conjunction with the
Chinese New Year.
Enchanted Learning Resources
Great resources, all updated for 2006!
Everyday Edit
A DOL activity from Education World that is about Chinese New Year.
Favorite Chinese New Year Sites
Resources that cover all aspects of the Chinese New Year.
Students learn to make this fun and easy craft.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Learn about traditional crafts, recipes, and Chinese Astrology.
Happy Chinese New Year!
A scavenger hunt for students to complete. (It has not been updated for
2006, so you may have to do some modifications.)
Lions, Dragons, and Nian: Animals of the Chinese
New Year Grades K-2
In this lesson, the students will learn about the major differences
between eastern and western dragons and discover why the eastern dragons
are associated with the Chinese New Year. They will hear a story about
how the dragons came to rule over the major rivers of China. In the
second lesson they will learn about the New Years parade and discover
that firecrackers are set off to drive off evil spirits, particularly
one called Nian.
Parade Dragon Puppet
A fun mask and puppet that students can create for a Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year
The traditional New Year dinner for the
imperial house was composed of 99 dishes
since the number 9 is an auspicious number!
Fish are a good luck food, but take care to
serve the fish whole to preserve the good