Kids Book
“All right, Noah, dear. It’s time to leave,” says Noah’s
mom. Noah has other plans. “No,” he says. And then says it
again. And again. And each time, his nos get crazier and
crazier. A shattered, red-colored No! matches his rage,
while a small, cursive no encapsulates his blithe obstinance.
That’s just for starters: Warburton features two nos per
page, then quarters that into four nos, then nine. The goofy
creativity multiplies along with the refusals—Noah says Nyet
wearing a Russian hat, O-nay as a pig, Negative as a robot,
Hon’-Ka-Zhi from a tepee, and even uses hieroglyphics and
Morse code dots and dashes. The pastels of
the watercolor-and-pencil art quickly explode into a
colorful chaos that concludes with the entire cast of Noahs
singing “Nooooooooo” in a chorus. It’s a lot of fun and will
feel familiar to any parent up against a child’s tireless
opposition, and kids (maybe) will recognize their own silly
stubbornness. The educational use of various languages
extends the book’s age range a bit, too. --Daniel
Watch a trailer of the book
Released: April
28, 2009
Publisher: Harper Collins
Themes: funny, language
Picture Books Illustrating
the value of Participation
Patricia Wrightson Award for Children's
The Most Frequently
Challenged Books of 2008
The 2008 Skipping Stones Honour Awards

The movie, the book with many lesson
plans and activities, the map, the
games and the toys